
Hey everyone, thanks for coming to my movie review blog Awake in the Dark. You may be thinking: “why does the world need another blog, especially one dedicated to movie reviews?” The answer is it doesn’t.

This is purely a space where my thoughts on current movies can be categorized and perused at your leisure. I can’t promise that they will be especially well written but I can promise that they will be short (500 words or less) and that I will put my best into it.

I currently reside in Fort Wayne and while there are many qualities of this town that I have come to love, film availability is not near the top of that list. However, I will do my best to seek out both movies that I care about and movies that are relevant to the movie industry in general.

I’m hoping to start on a one review a week basis and seeing where to take things from there. We’re entering what should be a fruitful few months for film and I hope to capitalize on it. Once again, thanks for visiting and thanks for supporting the movies.

My thoughts on the movies